all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 6PZ 1 1 53.387044 -2.979051
L8 6QB 3 1 53.386777 -2.969873
L8 6QE 13 0 53.38642 -2.974976
L8 6QF 15 1 53.387286 -2.970125
L8 6QH 3 2 53.387081 -2.968993
L8 6QL 4 0 53.386774 -2.970204
L8 6QN 13 3 53.385522 -2.970536
L8 6QP 1 1 53.38633 -2.972885
L8 6QR 22 5 53.385319 -2.971148
L8 6QW 12 1 53.385971 -2.971704
L8 6QZ 1 1 53.384684 -2.971975
L8 6RB 40 0 53.38529 -2.97256
L8 6RD 39 0 53.385497 -2.972505
L8 6RE 16 0 53.383423 -2.975525
L8 6RG 41 0 53.384205 -2.974385
L8 6RN 22 0 53.383615 -2.975093
L8 6RQ 37 0 53.384156 -2.97491
L8 6RT 17 0 53.385763 -2.975217
L8 6RU 6 1 53.383018 -2.974538
L8 6RW 24 0 53.3839 -2.9754